Video Marketing Campaign

How Manufacturers Use Videos Marketing Campaigns To Engage B2B Buyers

Video marketing is becoming more popular because videos are shown to be more effective than just text or pictures. Videos are also shared more than any other type of content on social media. A lot of content marketers are using videos to stay ahead of the competition and establish their brands as leaders in their field. If you haven't started using video in your marketing campaigns yet, it's time to start. Or, if you're already using video, it may be time to try new types of videos to increase sales.

If you want to appear knowledgeable, current, and trustworthy to potential customers, it's important to produce high-quality videos that are both engaging and informative. The tips below will help you create videos that achieve these goals.

How Manufacturers Engage B2B Buyers using the Videos

1. Keep The Videos Short And Sweet

Today, videos can be as long as a full-length 30-minute episode or a few minutes. The best length to engage most B2B buyers is around 1-2 minutes. 

To keep people watching, get to the heart of your content within the first few seconds and then move through the message. You’ll lose a good portion of viewers within 10 seconds no matter what you do, but you can hold onto the rest with a strong hook by offering an engaging teaser or compelling question that can work well here. Generally, you have about 30 seconds to get viewers to engage.

Make sure your video looks good on all social media platforms. For example, Twitter videos can be up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds long, while Instagram videos can be up to 1 minute long. If your video is longer, make shorter copies that are optimized for social media. This will help you reach more people.

2. Be A Storyteller, Not A Salesperson

What types of commercials stick with people? The ones that tell a story. This is because people remember the story, and within the story the product is being sold. It is no secret that people respond emotionally to movies with victorious heroes or lovable characters overcoming challenges. When people feel these emotions, they are more likely to be charitable, emotional, and generous. The same emotions also apply when watching B2B marketing videos.

You can make your sales pitch more effective by packaging it as a story. For example, you could talk about how your machine helps small companies save money or how your safety protocol has saved lives. But be careful not to overdo it. People can tell when they're being manipulated.

Make a video that is interesting and useful. People might watch it again and even share it with their friends. Some ways manufacturers have been using videos are:

  1. To show how a complex product works
  2. To tour their factory or shop floor
  3. To tell the story of their company

3. Use Keywords In Your Title 

The title of your video is more important than you might think. Many companies make the mistake of putting a lot of keywords in their titles, but this doesn't work well. The best and most effective title is the most accurate one.

After you upload your video, be sure to include an accurate and descriptive title. You could start by just removing the file extension from your already file name or you could mix it up. Just be sure to accurately describe the video and its contents.

4. Consider Using On-Screen Text

A lot of videos are watched without sound. In fact, as many as 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. People watch videos for the images when they're in the middle of their commute, working while surrounded by others, or simply winding down at night.

For videos uploaded directly to Facebook, we suggest "baking in" the subtitles in the video. This means that the subtitles will be clear on the bottom of the video with black text over a white background. An example is shown in this video from Hudson Technologies.

Even if your story is interesting, most people will not understand it if they can't see it. This is especially true for videos. Make sure to have text on the screen so that people can follow what is happening. You can do this by working with a video production company or marketing professional.

5. Be Detailed In Your Video Description

The next key to video tweaking is creating the right description. Doing this step well can make your video an engine to drive qualified and interested viewers to your website. Your video's description should include a brief overview of the video, as well as information on how viewers can find out more about it. It should also include your website’s URL. 

YouTube is a popular website that people use to find videos. If you put keywords in the description of your video, it will help people find your video on YouTube and on other websites. This can help you attract more qualified traffic to your website.

6. Use Category Tags

The tags you choose for your video will affect where it appears in a search. You should use the same care in selecting tags as you do in selecting keywords. The first tag should be as precise as possible, and the secondary tags should get gradually broader. For instance, start with your business name, then expand to what you do, then describe your industry, the parent industry, and finally to the broadest classification (such as "industrial").

Using long-tail keywords and phrases is a great way to increase your chances of appearing in YouTube search results. By using specific words that people are likely to use when searching for your video, you can make it more likely for them to find it. 

7. Be Strategic About Adding Cards

YouTube lets you add cards to your videos. YouTube's Cards Editor helps you put videos/playlists, channels, polls and links over your video. Cards are a useful way to talk with your viewers and keep them interested in your video. However, they should only be used when they help the video and don't distract from the message.

Cards should not be too intrusive or distracting in your video. They should only show up when they have something valuable to offer the viewer. And they definitely should not be too promotional or spammy.

8. End Your Videos With A Call-To-Action

Although you shouldn't be too pushy in your video, you still need to let viewers know what you're offering and how it can help them. Make sure to include a call-to-action that is beneficial for both the viewer and your brand. If not, your shiny new video won't reach its potential.

So, at the end of your video (or even in the middle if it flows well), urge your viewers to take the next step. This could be filling out a form to download valuable content, or reaching out to your team for a consultation. Make sure you provide all the necessary information so they can do this easily. You can add CTAs with text on screen, annotations, or a combination of both with text and an image. Just make sure that the design is visually appealing and consistent with your brand colors.

9.  Share Your Videos On All Your Marketing Channels

There are many different ways to market your home. One way is to create a video. The following are some marketing channels that we recommend for videos:

  • Sharing your videos on social media networks can help increase your digital presence and the chances that you will reach more relevant buyers. Make sure to familiarize yourself with best practices for engaging on your social media networks so you can maximize your results.
  • There are other websites you can use to host and publish your videos, separately from YouTube. YouTube is the largest and most popular, but consider Vimeo or LinkedIn.
  • You can increase the chances that people will open your email by mentioning the word "video" in the subject line.
  • You can embed your videos on your blog, product/service pages, and landing pages. You want people who watch the videos to go to these pages. On these pages, you should have forms, a current phone number, and an active email address that you're monitoring so people can contact you.

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